Hello and Welcome to my Blog! My name is Becky and I have recently returned to University to embark on a PGCE in Primary Education. As the title suggests, this will be a blog about how to use ICT in Primary Schools across the National Curriculum. This is the first blog I have ever written so bear with me…
What is Web 2.0?
This concept has lead to the development of social networking sites, wikis and blogs. Some of these applications will be useful for use in the Primary School, such as blogging. Blogging lets children create, and teachers can use sites such as http://kidblog.org/home/, or http://www.edmodo.com/. However e-safety is key….
E-safety refers to electronic safety of children, young people, and adults. The key issues are: filtering, cyber bullying and illegal content. Within the primary school all adults have a ‘duty of care’ with regards to e-safety. There are many useful websites to inform parents and children about e-safety. These are some of them:
Think U Know: www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Childnet: www.childnet.com
Kidsmart: www.kidsmart.org.uk
Orange Education: www1.orange.co.uk/education
Safe: www.safesocialnetworking.org
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre): www.ceop.police.uk
Click Clever Click Safe Campaign: http://clickcleverclicksafe.direct.gov.uk
Digizen: www.digizen.org.uk
Time to go now… I will be back next week with exciting information (hopefully) about interactive whiteboards!
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